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October Calendar


Yellowstone Readers                                                       Argyle-Apple Grove Readers            
October 6: Kriss Marion                                                  October 6: Ann Bohlman
Ocotber 13: Ginger Jaggi                                                 October 13: Laurie Wuethrich
October 27: Peter Herman                                             October 27: Barb Tollakson
Yellowstone Communion Assistants                             Argyle-Apple Grove Communion Assistants
October 6: Laura Skattum                                               October 6: Jackie Yaun
October 27: Stacey McCarthy                                         October 27: Diane Martin
Yellowstone Greeters                                                       Argyle-Apple Grove Greeters    
October 6, 13: Andi/Phil Torgerson                                October 6, 13: Diane Martin
October 20, 27: Lisa Trumble                                          October 20, 27: Laurie Wuethrich
Yellowstone Acolytes                                                        Argyle-Apple Grove Acolytes
October 6, 13: Gretta/Elam Zimmerman                       October 6, 13: Rielle Yaun
October 20, 27: Chelsea/Sawyer Schlafli                        October 20, 27: Ellie/Bryson Coffey

October Newsletter

Office Phone: 608-543-3088
Web Site:

Our Ministry Focus: "Sharing God's grace from a hopeful place​


Pastor's Letter

Dear friends in Christ, 
     On the first morning of our stay in New Orleans for the National Youth Gathering, I was down in the lobby before everyone else woke up and was doing some reading. I came across a quote from a rabbi who said, “Every day each one of us meets 100 angels. Do you see any of them?”

     That really struck me; that evening during our first family time, I asked the same challenge from our youth, though I changed it up a bit. I said to them, “Tomorrow you will see Jesus in 100 different people or events. I want to challenge you to make sure to look carefully and see Jesus.” It became a question that we asked of each other every night after that: “Where did you see Jesus?” It was amazing, none of us had any problem telling about a person or event where we witnessed the presence of Jesus. 
     So our youth group would like to issue to all of you the very same challenge: Tomorrow, you will see Jesus in 100 different people, situations, or events. At the end of the day, stop and take the time to ask yourself where you did see Jesus.” I think you will be amazed at how present Jesus is in our lives – but we just don’t take the time, nor do we open our spiritual eyes in the ordinary events of each day. Because of that, we miss out on the great revelation of God in our midst. 
     There is an event recorded in the Gospel of Luke where, on Easter Day, Jesus takes a walk with two people from Emmaus who were followers of him. They are living in the pain and hopelessness of Jesus’ crucifixion. Jesus walks with them all the way from Jerusalem, but they don’t recognize him. It was only during the supper that their vision is clear enough for them to see Jesus among them.
     Jesus wasn’t dead, but resurrected and living among them. 
     Jesus isn’t dead today. He remains living among us today. Do you see him?
                                                                                                                                         ~ God bless, Dan


Fall Bible Study: Beginning on Wednesday, October 9th (and also on the 23rd and 30th), Pastor Dan will be leading a community Bible study at The Corner Pub and Deli, focusing on Jesus’ wonderful “Sermon on the Mount.” It is titled: “Living a Different Way: Following Jesus in Today’s World.” Copies of the study are available in the church narthex. We will meet from 6:45-7:45 p.m. Please join us and invite family and friends!


Sunday School has begun: The call to share our faith and pass it on to our children is a holy mandate from God. To help fulfill this call from God, our churches offer to our parents: worship, Sunday school, confirmation and a youth group. Parents, please take advantage of these events that can enrich the faith life of your children.


Fall Worship Theme: Our watchword statement is: “Sharing God’s grace from a hopeful place.” This call is fulfilled in many ways. This fall, our sermons will look at how we can not only share God’s love and grace with others, but celebrate the ways we are already living out this call. The sermons will call us to see our lives as intertwined with the ministry of Jesus. As Martin Luther said, “We are all called to be ‘little Christs’ in the world.”


August Treasurers’ and Pastor’s reports:
                Yellowstone                                 Argyle-Apple Grove 
  Beginning balance: $3,185.61       Beginning Balance:  $6,241.49 
                   Income:   $6,043.86                           Income:  $5,478.00                      

               Expenses:   $6,103.42                       Expenses:   $4,821.91
       Ending Balance: $3,126.42              Ending Balance: $6,897.58


Affirmation of Baptism:
     Argyle-Apple Grove: Joe Soper
        Yellowstone: Reed Cassidy, Boone Havens, Claire Holmes, Izabella Isely, Nolan McCarthy


Committal Services
   Jack Leu – August 30th – at Union Grove, Darlington
   Joe Leu – August 30th – at Union Grove, Darlington
   Phil Steiner – August 30th at Yellowstone


Update on discernment process concerning Apple Grove: The church council wants to thank everyone who participated in one of the two listening posts we had last month. We had almost 40 people attend and we gained some great insight into what people are thinking as we move forward. We were overjoyed at how people lifted up the importance of keeping the church unified throughout this process. It is vital that we stay united as we make plans. 
   Our hope is to have a meeting in October to share details of these conversations and also share the latest information that we have received from Church Mutual Insurance. 


Coffee hour returns! On the first early service of each month, we will have coffee hour. We will begin in October. There will be a sign up for those who would be willing to provide goodies. 


Stewardship: We thank everyone for your generous support of the ministries of our congregations. If you are not able to make it to church to give your offering, you may mail it to the following address: Yellowstone/Argyle-Apple Grove; Box 217; Argyle, WI. 53504.


A/APplestone Youth News
Cake and Ice Cream to begin the year and welcome new 7th graders and officially celebrate our new youth leaders, Madi and Olivia on Sunday, Sept. 29th!
   We will begin the year with Sunday School at Yellowstone at 10:00 a.m. We will celebrate with food, fun and a short planning meeting. We will get Argyle-Apple Grove youth from Yellowstone to late worship at Argyle.

All things A/Applestone:
   *All youth in grades 7–12 are welcome to be a part of our youth group. We strongly encourage youth from Yellowstone and Argyle/Apple Grove to be active in the group. And we welcome your friends whether or not they are from other churches or who don’t have a church home.
   *Leadership: Alongside of Ann, Laura, and Dan, we officially welcome Madi and Olivia as “official adult leaders!”   

   *Sadly, we say good-bye (for now, we hope) to Amy (Jorgenson) and Brady McDaniels. They have decided to step back as their family grows and their need to focus on keeping their lives in balance. They have been a wonderful, relational and energetic addition to the leadership of the youth. They will be sorely missed, and yet, we understand and support their decision.
   *Communication: We use the newsletter, Sunday bulletins, and the website as sources of communication, but SnapChat has been our main go-to for up-dates, reminders, last minute changes, and fun shares. Parents are welcome to be on our group chat as well!  
   October Fun Event: To be announced – as the newsletter has been printed before our planning meeting. 
   October Service Event: Trick-or-Treat for Hunger, Thursday, October 31st!!! Meet at Argyle Lutheran at 4:45 on Halloween. We will break-up in to 3 groups and go door-to-door collecting canned goods for the pantry in Argyle. We usually finish within an hour, so you may choose to go out trick-or-treating afterwards. Feel free to dress in costume as most of the youth do. And bring friends!!!!   

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