Yellowstone & Argyle-Apple Grove
Lutheran Parish
September Calendar
Yellowstone Readers Argyle-Apple Grove Readers
September 1: Wendi Hendrickson September 1: Chris Romdenne
September 29: Diana Boysen September 29: Joanne Rucker
Yellowstone Communion Assistants Argyle-Apple Grove Communion Assistants
September 1: Peter Herman September 1: Vicki Tollakson
September 22: Wendi Hendrickson September 22: Ann Bohlman
Yellowstone Greeters Argyle-Apple Grove Greeters
September 1, 8: Maureen Prestbroten September 1, 15: LaVonne Penniston
September 22, 29: Judy/Butch Dowling September 22, 29: Yaun Family
Yellowstone Acolytes Argyle-Apple Grove Acolytes
September 1, 8: Griffin Schlafli/Brandon Bruce September 1, 15: Rielle Yaun
September 22, 29: Allis/Dakota Doescher September 22, 29: Ellie/Bryson Coffey
Office Phone: 608-543-3088
September 2024
Our Ministry Focus:
“Sharing God’s grace from a hopeful place”
Dear friends in Christ,
“Change” is not a four letter word.
“Change” is not a negative thing.
But “change” involves the unknown, and therefore can be scary.
I’ve shared this experience before, but when I was at this parish for about three years, I was sitting in my office; everything that I felt needed to be done in the church flooded over me. I have never felt such hopelessness in my life. Everything I was doing, everything I was planning seemed to come up against a brick wall, and I literally didn’t know what to do.
Overwhelmed, I did something I rarely do, I began to cry.
It so happened that Ann walked into the door and saw me. She immediately came over and asked me what was wrong. My response was: “I don’t think I’m meant to be this parish’s long-term pastor. I think my time here may be drawing to a close.”
I shared with Ann my hurts, my frustrations, and my dark vision of the future. It led us into prayer. My prayer was short and simple, but it changed my life and ministry, “Lord, I give up.” I went on to tell God how I had done everything I could think of doing to move the church forward. I had used every bit of my education to try to propel change, but nothing, nothing, was working.
God’s response to me was also simple: “Dan, I’m glad you are finally going to get yourself out of the way and let me be in charge.” Everything about my ministry changed when I quit trying to do things my way, and now almost 30 years after that experience, I celebrate how far the Lord has led us all!
Yes, change is often scary – but it isn’t negative, nor is it a bad thing; instead, it can be a moment of growth and reflection, and a time where we can let God lead us towards new things and new life.
~ God bless, Dan
As Argyle-Apple Grove wrestles with change, things have been happening at Yellowstone as well. Yellowstone is working on keeping the church buildings in good condition. The flooring below the altar has been reinforced; the trees damaged by the tornado have been removed or trimmed; the bats have once again been removed from the attic, and we have a plan in place to keep on top of this issue.
The congregation is also looking at making changes to meet the changing needs of our congregational members. We have a new driveway with more than double the handicap parking, and we are still working to figure out a way to take out the back walls in the Sunday school room. By opening up the space it will allow the coffee hour to take place upstairs, thus avoiding people having to walk up and down the steep steps to the basement.
Fall Bible Study: Coming in October, Pastor Dan will be leading a community Bible study at The Corner Pub and Deli, dealing with Jesus’ wonderful “Sermon on the Mount.” It is titled: “Living a Different Way: Following Jesus in Today’s World.” Copies of the study will be available in September. Dates for the study will be coming soon. Remember to invite friends and neighbors!
Sunday School kicks off on Sunday, September 22nd! The call to share our faith and pass it on to our children is found throughout the Bible. It is a holy mandate from God. To help fulfill this call from God, our churches offer to our parents: worship, Sunday school, confirmation and a youth group. On Sunday, September 22nd we will kick-off our Sunday school and youth group. Parents, please take advantage of these events that can enrich the faith life of your children.
Fall Worship Theme: Our watchword statement is: “Sharing God’s grace from a hopeful place.” This call is fulfilled in many ways. This fall, our sermons will look at how we can not only share God’s love and grace with others, but celebrate the ways we are already living out this call. The sermons will call us to see our lives as intertwined with the ministry of Jesus. As Martin Luther said, “We are all called to be ‘little Christs’ in the world.”
A thank you to everyone who helped set up the Yellowstone WELCA Appreciation Reception on August 4th.
Listening Post #2 at Argyle-Apple Grove: We had a meeting with over twenty members in attendance to discuss our thoughts, feelings, dreams, wishes and worries about what we will decide to do concerning rebuilding at Apple Grove. If you weren’t able to make it, we are offering another meeting on Saturday, August 24th from 9:00-10:15 a.m. But, you must let Pastor Dan know if you are attending so he can have enough facilitators there.
Confirmation begins on Wednesday, September 18th! We’ll meet at Argyle Lutheran from 5:30-7:10 p.m. For this first class, I am asking parent(s) to attend from 5:30-6:00 p.m. to review the confirmation format.
Argyle-Apple Grove is in charge of the Argyle Food Pantry in September. The pantry will be open on Thursdays, September 5th and 19th. If you can help, please contact Beth Fransen at 608-558-8603.
July Treasurers’ and Pastor’s reports:???
Yellowstone Argyle-Apple Grove
Beginning balance: $7,098.17 Beginning Balance: $5,974.31
Income: $5,916.44 Income: $5,477.00 Expenses: $9,829.00 Expenses: $5,209.82
Ending Balance: $3,185.61 Ending Balance: $6,241.49
*Expenses were high at Yellowstone as the fuel bill was paid in full in advance.
Ike Allen Zwicker – infant son of Rachel and Kyle Zwicker – August 11th at Yellowstone.
To send an offering in the mail, please mail it to the following address: Yellowstone/Argyle-Apple Grove; Box 217; Argyle, WI. 53504.
A/APplestone Youth News
Cake and Ice Cream to begin the year and welcome new 7th graders and officially celebrate our new youth leaders, Madi and Olivia on Sunday, Sept. 29th!
We will begin the year with Sunday School at Yellowstone at 10:00 a.m. We will celebrate with food, fun and a short planning meeting. We will get Argyle-Apple Grove youth from Yellowstone to late worship at Argyle.
All things A/Applestone:
*All youth in grades 7–12 are welcome to be a part of our youth group. We strongly encourage youth from Yellowstone and Argyle Lutheran to be active in the group. And we welcome your friends whether or not they are from other churches or who don’t have a church home.
*Leadership: Alongside of Ann, Laura, Amy and Brady, we officially welcome Madi and Olivia as adult leaders.
*Communication: We use the newsletter, Sunday bulletins, and the website as sources of communication, but SnapChat has been our main go-to for up-dates, reminders, last minute changes, and fun shares. Parents are welcome to be on our group chat as well!