Yellowstone & Argyle-Apple Grove
Lutheran Parish
A/applestone Youth Group
A/applestone Youth News
A/Applestone Youth News
Cake and Ice Cream to begin the year and welcome new 7th graders and officially celebrate our new youth leaders, Madi and Olivia on Sunday, Sept. 29th!
We will begin the year with Sunday School at Yellowstone at 10:00 a.m. We will celebrate with food, fun and a short planning meeting. We will get Argyle-Apple Grove youth from Yellowstone to late worship at Argyle.
All things A/Applestone:
*All youth in grades 7–12 are welcome to be a part of our youth group. We strongly encourage youth from Yellowstone and Argyle Lutheran to be active in the group. And we welcome your friends whether or not they are from other churches or who don’t have a church home.
*Leadership: Alongside of Ann, Laura, Amy and Brady, we officially welcome Madi and Olivia as adult leaders.
Communication: We use the newsletter, Sunday bulletins, and the website as sources of communication, but SnapChat has been our main go-to for up-dates, reminders, last minute changes, and fun shares. Parents are welcome to be on our group chat as well!
A/Applestone Youth communication:
***SnapChat: We communicate, share updates and pictures. Parents are welcome to join.
*There’s always the website to check:
Join “applestone youth group” on Facebook: Olivia Melland, one of our esteemed youth leaders, has undertaken the task of beginning our own Facebook page. She is posting pictures of events and announcements. Please join us!